Sunday, April 29, 2012

Final 9 month posting!

This is a wrap up of Austin's 9th month!

Playing outside on a hot day!

Got the helmet on now! I think he looks like the mushroom from Super Mario Bros!!!

Gavin being a good big cousin and helping lazy Austin eat!

Austin and his friend Griffin

Just a cute sleeping pic!

More quad fun!

Bath Time!!

This next video is of Austin dancing! I think its the best but I had a hard time downloading it. So you can either watch the video of poor quality here, or check out the link to youtube. Please excuse my loud laughing!


Trinette and Mike said...

There is too much for me to handle in this post!! Gavin feeding Austin - adorable! The bath and the dancing videos are SO great!! I'm going to have to check out the youtube gold mind of videos later :)

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Love the helmet! lol Is he really 10 months old! Crazy!