Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Montecito beach trip(during our March visit down south)

 Austin's first beach trip!

 Gavin giving the ocean some sand back!
 Aunt Janell and Austin

 Gavin loves his GramaShell!

 Look mommy a rock!!

 Such a cute lil smile!

 Me and my cousin!

 Lexi taking a break with her Mama!

 Brandi, Lexi and Uncle Troy in front of the house Mom and Ric rented for their wedding 12 years ago


 Mommy and Austin!

 Same faces! 

 Austins new pose! This kid cracks me up!


 Hold still Lexi, you have something on your cheek, Ill get it for you....rrrrrraaaaahhhhh!!!

 Me and Uncle Troy

 The boys with Aunt Janell

 Love this Kid!!


Mama Michelle said...

That was wonderful - so glad we drove up there! Great memories!

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Great pics in there! Love the two of Gavin running then jumping into GramaShell's arms!