Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Ellsmores March Birthday Celebration

(Easter weekend Cont....)
Then Saturday up to Chico with the Ellsmores! I cant believe the twins are 4 already!! How does time fly! It was so much fun seeing the whole gang and the kids had a great time playing together...mostly!

 Kids playing: Lexi, Izze, Mickey, Carl, and Gavin playing cars with Scotts brother 

Playing on Mickey's scooter!

 Austin playing football with Daddy and Kurt

 Dan, Austin and Kurt(scotts nephew)

 Lexi and Gavin playing in a truck bed....what a great playpen!!
 Izze in the truck

 We were having a dance party!

 Austin and Lexi have really started to play together more.

But Austins favorite new thing is playing cars!

Listen for his car noise!

 Me and Jamie!

 Brandi with Lexi

 Us with the kids!

 Dan playing with Austin and Katya(Scotts neice)

 My little man!!

 Opening presents!


Jamie and Scott said...

Thanks for coming up we had a lot of fun! its great having all the kids together!

Jamie and Scott said...
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