Tuesday, April 17, 2012


 Finally Easter Sunday! First pic with the Easter Bunny and Austin did well, but we couldnt get a smile out of him!

In the morning we spent some time at Tim and Jammies new place...

Then we headed over to Richard and Carols for breakfast and Austins first easter egg hunt!!

 Look at all of the eggs I found!

 Did you want one?

 Did you?

 Hanging out with Auntie Julie!

Auntie, are you sure all the other boys are going to be wearing bunny ears too?
 Tim and Jammie

 Family Pics!!

Then we had Easter dinner at Pop and Nanas, where Austin opened his first easter basket!!

 Grandmas enjoying Austin opening his easter basket, but he hasnt really figured it out yet!

 Now he sees it! Is that for me??

 Looks like there is some good stuff in here!

 Look at all this stuff!

 Thank you Easter Bunny!!

 Passed out with Tia Jammie! She is so good at that!

 What? I wasnt asleep!! Wait, did someone mess with my hair??


Unknown said...

hahahaha! These are great! Thank for sharing. I miss this little guy!

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Love the hair-do Austin! HA!

Grandpa + GramariO said...

GPa LOVED the pic with the bunny! Says the hat makes Austin the star!