Wednesday, May 2, 2012

10 months!!

How did 10 months go by so quickly! Our little man is becoming such a big boy these last few weeks. He is starting to take more and more steps, and I think he will be walking within the month!! He is definitely talking more and really trying to assert his opinion!  He also has a great sense of humor, and thinks pretty much anything Daddy does is the funniest thing ever!!!  He is hard to take a good picture of since he wont sit still, but here is what I could get with his stuffed animals!! 

You want me to sit here?

Are we really going to do this again?
How long is this going to take?

Okay, here is a smile!

And now Im outta here!

And now next to my gorilla!

Such a happy boy!!

And with my turtle!

Im really done with this now!

Okay, one more!!


1 comment:

Grandpa + GramariO said...

He is really changing! And growing. Loved the commentary!!