Monday, May 28, 2012

10 months video catchup

So today my little man turns 11 months old so I had to get one last blog in to update everyone on his 10th month! Here is his first taste of berry pie! Guess who gave him that!

We went down south last weekend to help move some things out of my moms house. Some of which were two kayaks! thanks mom! Before we packed them up the kids had a great time playing in them in the backyard. Austin was climbing in and out and Gavin was having fun helping him. It was so cute GramaShell decided to take a pic...And then this happened!! Although it looks pretty bad, Austin didnt even cry!!
 Austins head stand!

 Austin loves this rocking chair and figured out how to climb into it and turn around to site down! Such a smart boy!
Such cute cousins!!

At the beginning of the month Grandma Kristy taught Austin the trick to getting off the couch! Now he is good about going backwards down stairs and steps too!

Playing and Dancing

Go Austin Go!!

Walking so much better now!


Jamie and Scott said...

such a big boy! he looks great walking!

Trinette and Mike said...

What a good walker!!!! Go Austin Go!