Monday, June 11, 2012

Chicago trip!

Its been a long while and 3 kids since Brandi and I have made it out to Chicago to visit Cindy and family, so last weekend we packed up and flew 3 adults and 3 kids out to the very windy city for a visit and to celebrate Sophias first birthday!  The flight there wasnt too bad, just a little stressful and VERY busy. The babies didnt take a nap at all but all of the grownups really wanted to!

Gavin was the only one who got to nap on the way to Chicago!

Brandi flying with her babies!

Daddy and Austin

Book time!

Someones getting tired, but too much excitement for a nap!

The teenagers sitting with Dan and Austin, and they had fun playing with him and pointing things out of the window! Such great babysitters!!

 On the Streets of Chicago!

We went to the Childrens Museum and it was so much fun! For kids and adults alike!!

 Gavin gassing up the car and then getting his first driving lesson!

 Watchout! Cutie at the wheel!!

 Sophia and Austin

We also headed to Navy pier and rode the Ferris wheel!!

 Sophia decided to sleep through it!

 Austin loved it!

 But he didnt really like posing for a picture!

This is a motion ride that Uncle Dan took Gavin on! I couldnt believe he was so brave!!

 On the walk back Gavin decided to get a piggyback ride...
Guess who was tired!

I think my favorite part was watching all of the kids play in the fountains at Millennium Park!

Water babies!

My fav pic of the weekend!
My fav lil guy!!

Pretty little birthday girl!!!

Such a cutie!
Picnic on the grass after the fountains!

Austin didnt make it back to our condo before he passed out!

Random Pics:

 Gelato stop!! See Sofia feeding Austin in the wagon!!

Piggyback ride with mommy!!

 All of the kiddos!

 For some reason Daddy feels compelled to put Austin into any empty cupboard or closet he finds...Mommy doesn't get it, but they both find it amusing!

 Sleeping in the stroller!

 Sleeping and eating in the stroller!

 Famous chicago dogs!!

Sofia's First Birthday Party!!

Birthday Girl!!

After a long, fun, busy weekend we headed home...Austin decided to catch a ride on a suitcase!! See you next time Collados!!


Trinette and Mike said...

Lacey!! You look AMAZING! I love all these pictures. It seems like such an amazing trip!

Grandpa + GramariO said...

Chicago! The skyline made me a tad homesick...The pier, the parks, the Grand Central Station trains. The winters are brutal by the Great Lakes (75 below is not something I am anxious to experience again) we loved our life in Naperville and working in the city!