Monday, July 8, 2013

Ava and Joeys visit to Sac

Dan and Joey went on a 4-wheeling trip a couple weekends ago and Ava came out to spend the weekend with me and the babies.  They came out a day early and we went to the bouncehouse and swam in the pool!

Gavin, Lexi and Austin wore Ava and Joey out dragging them all over!
 Playing basketball in the bounce house!

 Lexi dragging Ava around!

 Austin is such a big boy climbing up and going down the slide all by himself!

 Ava taking a rest

 Ava and Austin went up and down the slide together so many times!

 Joey thought he was getting a break!

 Ava and Austin showing Wyatt how his exersaucer works!

Pictures and videos from Dan and Joeys trip to come....

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