Monday, July 22, 2013

First part of July pics and videos!

Love this cute baby!

I always let Austin pick out his own swim suit if he wants to, this day he was adamant that he wears his wet suit!!

Getting ready!


Lets do that again Auntie Julie!

And this time without the ring...


Im gonna get you GramaShell!

Wyatt is really trying to get his thumb in his we have another thumb sucker!!

Julie has been such a big help, staying with me and the boys while Dan has been out of town. Austin loves his Auntie Julie!

This is a great play place called BusyKidz, with dressup and a whole pretend town!
I love this pose from Spiderman!

Even Julie found a fun costume!!

My serious little man!

Some missed July 4th pics!

Jumping to Daddy without my life jacket!
So brave!!

Playing catch and tackle with Daddy before bedtime after he was out of town for a week!

We went to the beach at Cameron Park Lake and even Wyatt got dressed in his swim shirt for the occasion!

Austin got this huge plane from Aunt Jen and Uncle Trav for his bday! We had so much fun flying it!!

Grandma Kristy bought this cute ice cream cone clown for Austins birthday, but we forgot about it!! Here he is attacking it a week later!!

He wasnt really sure how to eat it!

There you go!

Wyatt was spending some time in his bumbo and when I checked on him Austin had given him some toys!

The Ellsmores came to meet baby Wyatt!
Scott and Wyatt!
All of the toys are out! Mickey and Isabelle are in the jeep, Anthony is on the quad with Gavin, Scott is pulling Lexi in the wagon, and Austin has his helmet ready to ride his bike!!

And he's off!

Talking to Auntie Jamie!

So calm with uncle Scott!

Mickey loves all of the babies!!

GGma and GGpa got Austin a cowboy hat! And in his favorite color too!

Playing horseshoes!

Wyatt has been sleeping in his crib, but we were overloaded with visitors, so he slept back in his bassinet and I couldn't believe how big he looked!

Look at that belly!

Opening presents from Nonnie and Nonno!

smiles for Nonnie!

Austin still loves to hold Wyatt!

My helper giving Wyatt a bottle!

Time to paint!

More pics of Wyatt at the beach!

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