Thursday, July 18, 2013

July 4, 2013!!

Kristy had her annual 4th of July party, and I think its better every year!! Pics are all out of order, but I think you can tell we had a great time!!

 Wyatts preparty attire! Austin wore it when he was 6 days old on 4th of july 2011!!

 Austin trying out the slip and slide!

 Grandma Kristy showing us how its done!

 I love this pic!!

 All American Cuties!

 Lexi was eating the frosting off of Austins face!


 Gavin was watching the fireworks in 3D!! And of course, needs hearing protection!

 After the fireworks it was tackle time! Thats Joe under there!

 Uncle Tim says my ears stick out!

 Water balloon toss!!

Best pic of the day, I love these boys!!

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