Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Birthday Party for our 2 year old!!

Happy birthday Austin! Friends and family gathered to celebrated Austins second birthday! It was a triple digit hot day so we mostly stayed in the pool and on the homemade water slide! Thanks to everyone who came to help us celebrate!

 Look what Daddy got Austin!

 Austin running to see his bday present!

 Gavin loves it when Austin gets new things!

 Austins first ride!

Lexis turn!

Kendall loved the water slide!

So did Austin!

Train slide!

Julie and Ava thought it was fun too!

Jason and Gavin couldnt get enough! Of eachother or the slide!!
And they are down!
But still playing!

Pool time!

Thanks for all the presents!

Thanks everyone!

Cake time!

Jen and Trav brought Austin a pinata!
Everyone got a turn!

 Candy hunt!!

 Pretty girl!

 So sweet!!

Happy birthday Austin!!

Sleepy boy!

We were so happy that Grandma Kristy, Travis, Jen, and Elle spent the night we were able to continue the party in the morning!
 Elle was very interested in Wyatt in his exersaucer!

 Austin showing them how it works!

 Grandma Kristy and Wyatt!

 Why is there a bow on my head??