Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wyatts Week Five!

 At about 5 weeks I decided it was time to let Wyatt sleep in his crib in his (still purple) room! He did great! Champ sleeper! Gives me about 4-6 hours in between feedings at night!

 Smiles in the bumbo!

 Buster loves the baby!

 We tried some tummy time, but Wyatt didnt get the memo, he thought it was nap time!

 Buster agreed!

 GG enjoying some great great grandson time!

 Such a serious stare!

 But what an adorable smile!

 Looks like he wrestled his way out of the swaddle!

 Talking to Daddy!

Austin loves hanging with his little bro!

Wyatt definitly makes you work for his smiles, but he loves to give you 'smiley eyes!' 

And some Austin pics and videos!

 Hanging with his cousins

 Picking tomatoes with Grandma Kristy in her garden!

Playing the piano and singing a tune Grandma Kristy just sang with him!

Daddy has been away a lot for work recently, so this is Austin practicing talking to him on the phone. He still doesnt understand Daddy cant see him pointing!


Grandpa + GramariO said...

What a wonderful smile!

Grandpa + GramariO said...
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