Friday, June 7, 2013

Memorial Day Party!

Wyatt was only a few weeks old when we had a big memorial day party at our house! Thanks to Carol and everyone else who helped make this possible!

 Who let that Dodger Baby in here!!

 So sweet!

 Grandma Carol makes room for fur grand-babies too!

 Cant have a poolside summer day without watermelon!

 Pop entertaining the kiddos!

 Sean holding Wyatt!

 Aunt Vicky's first chance to hold Wyatt!

 Austin was so happy to see Grandaddy!

 Grandaddy and Wyatt!

 Uncle Donny thinks Austin is pretty funny!

 Buster and Millie best buds!

 Sitting around the fire pit

 Austin hanging out with Uncle Tim

Brave Austin!

Austin swimming!

Austin cheering Daddy on as he rides the dirtbike track!

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