Friday, June 7, 2013

The Copes Come to visit!

The Copes came for another visit! How lucky are we!! Plus this time they got to meet baby Wyatt!!
We spent a lot of time by the pool!
 Hanging out with the baby!

 Austin and Lexi

 Gavin is becoming a great swimmer, and has his first real lesson soon!

 Me and my favorite niece!

 Baby duty! Weston loves the water!

 The kids agree, Watermelon is the best summer fruit!

 Wyatt and Mommy!

 Im not sure there is a better smile!!

 Sleepy boy wearing his swim shirt too!!

Time for smores!!

guess who loves his smores!!

 Its football time!

 Austin trying to teach Weston to crawl! He is so close!



 Gavin and Weston playing!

 Sleeping babies!

 GramaShell and her two youngest grandsons!

Zoo fun! I only got one pic of a monkey, and a couple of the train ride!

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