Friday, June 7, 2013

More visitors!!

Aunt Janell and Uncle David AND GGma and GGpa came too! It was great having everyone come visit and meet baby Wyatt!!

 Austin and Uncle David had a great time playing with the car ramp

 Aunt Janell trying to get smiles out of Wyatt!

 Daddy having a chat with his little boy!

 Austin doing a head first plunge! Good thing Aunt Janell was there! Haha

But he got right back out there!

 GGma with Wyatt
 GGpa and his youngest Great Grandson!

 Brandi and I took the kids back to BusyKidz and Austin picked out this outfit by himself and wore it the whole time!

 Storytime! Can you find Gavin, Lexi and Austin??


 GGpa with his hands full!!

 At the hotel pool!

 Love this pic!

 Just hanging out with my GGpa!

 Talking with my GramaShell!

 Backyard pool time at the Sigonas!

 A little tummy time for both boys!

Playing with GGma!

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