Sunday, April 21, 2013

Visitors from the North and South!!

Jamie and the twins came to visit for a few days and Adrienne decided to fly up with Weston to visit also! We had fun decorating Elaina's room and letting the kids play!

 Jamie supervising as the kids play on the ipad, Weston was interested too!!!

 The Ipad was very entertaining!!

 Austin loves playing with Weston in his bouncer!

 Elainas room, empty but painted!!

And of course we had to visit the bouncehouse!!

GramaShell had an art project for the kids!
 Mickey was so sweet and patient to help Austin!

 Tackle Uncle Anthony!

Jamie and I had a day that it was just us and our kids after Adrienne and Weston headed home and Brandi had to work. So we took the kids to the zoo!! They loved it!

 Watching the Tiger!



1 comment:

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Love having visitors! Gavin and Lexi had so much fun with all the kiddos here!