Thursday, April 11, 2013


Easter was so much fun this year! Austin really understood hunting for the eggs and he loved every minute of it!! He carried his easter basket full of eggs around for weeks afterwards!

I had fun designing a cake for easter this year!

Austin making a mess of Pop and Nanas house!
Easter basket from Grandma Kristy!
He didnt like eating the peeps, but he carried them around a bit!

Sharing with baby Elle

Hunting time!!

Look at all my eggs!

I love how he is so excited he is just running in circles!!

Austin loves his baby cousin Elle!

Julie and Austin

Autumn wanted to give kisses, but Austin wasnt too sure!! haha! love his face!

Finding candy inside!!


Nana and Austin

Nana and her great grandbabies!

Autumn teaching Elle how to crawl!

Do you want an egg?

Still in a good mood even after all the excitement! Singing boy!!


Trinette and Mike said...

I always forget that Austin and Elle are cousins! Looks like a fun Easter and I love the signing :)

Jamie and Scott said...

Wow the family keeps getting bigger and bigger! Wish ours was like that! Good times!

Grandpa + GramariO said...

I loved the singing! So natural and so very real.
Fun circles too.

Unknown said...

Love that crazy boy!