Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Collados come to visit!

The Collados came all of the way out from Chicago for a visit! We had a very busy weekend and the kids had a blast together!!

 Sofia and Lexi

 Buster and Sofia loved eachother!!

Present time!!


 Daddy got Austin a present too, his first dirtbike helmet and gloves!! He loves it!!

 We had so much fun at the bounce house!!
 Austin going down the slide all by himself!

 Andy and Sofia!

 She loves it!!

 I love Sofias open mouth of excitement!!

 Cindy wasn't quite as excited! Ha, love her face!

 Collado family slide!!

 We all went to Michaela and Isabelles 5th birthday party up in Chico!!

 Pinata Time!

 Candy for everyone!!

 Mickey and Lexi!

 Climbing the spiderweb!

 Cake Time! Happy Birthday Mickey and Izze!!

 Elle and Scott!

Fun At The Park!

 Katya and Austin had so much fun together!

 Elle and Austin, Cousin love!

 Izze's favorite present of the day! Great buy Auntie Jen!!

 I cant believe the kid explosion in just 5 short years!!

To the Park!!


Goofing around before bed!

Im not sure what this face is, but Austin seems to like making it these days!!

Such a great, and busy, visit!! We loved having all of the Collados and cant wait until next time!! Love you guys!!

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