Saturday, April 6, 2013

Busy Months of Feb and March!

We have had some very busy weeks these last couple months! Here are some miscellaneous pics and videos from in between our busy schedule!

 Austin has quickly become obsessed with Mickey Mouse and insists on pointing him out everywhere! This was a watercolor book he spotted in the store and Mommy and Daddy broke down and this one and got it for him!
 It is now hanging on our fridge!

 Austin loves his big rock!

 We bought a potty chair just to get Austin used to the idea and he has gone potty in it a few times. He told Daddy, I have to go potty, and ran down the hall. By the time Dan got to the bathroom this is what he found!! I love that the paper is upside down!! HAHA!!

 Helping Daddy mow the lawn!

 Time for Daddy to take a break! Austin will take it from here!

 Playing in the tree!

 And laying in the hammock!

 And dipping feet in the 50 degree pool!

 Playing with the baby ducks!

 Its a burn day!!
 Austin says, Its hot!

 Gavin decided to take the quad out on the dirtbike track! Such a brave boy going down those steep hills!!! I dont know why he needed the hearing protection though!!

 Splashing in the water!

 Hanging out by the fire pit!

Austin was playing trying to get into this box for at least 30 minutes! Cracked us up!!

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