Saturday, November 17, 2012

Weston Gregory!!

My newest nephew born October 19th at 5:16pm, big and long perfect boy!! We were able to go visit recently and I just couldnt get enough of this little man!!

 The Cope Family!

 Precious baby!

 Weston supporting the Giants during the World Series!!

 Classic Weston sleeping pose!

 Me with my baby nephew!

 Austin loves the Giants too!

 GramaShell and her two youngest grandsons!

 Austin says well if your not going to play with these toys then i will!!

 Uncle Ry with Austin

 Daddy and his little boy!

 Proud to be an Uncle again!!

We stayed at Ryan and Adriennes new house before they moved into it.  This is GramaShell and Austin dancing in their empty dining room!

We were also able to meet baby Giselle in the same weekend!! Jen and Travis have one beautiful little girl!! And already so smiley!!

Me and baby Elle!!

1 comment:

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Babies,babies,babies! Love the dancing!