Saturday, November 17, 2012

Halloween and Apple Hill!!

As part of our Fall/Halloween tradition we head up to Apple Hill for some good food, pumpkin patches and pony rides!!

 Waiting in line for the pony rides!

 Lexi and Gavin getting strapped in!

 Happy pony rider!!

 Ready to go! Austins first ever pony ride!!
 Gee, this is fun!!!

 Playing with the pumpkins!

 Feeding the goats!!


 A ride with Daddy and Buster in my pumpkin outfit!!
Then over to The Sigonas house for some trick-or-treating!!
 Spiderman, Lobster and Bee!!

My cute little lobster!!

Lets go Gavin!!

 This is Austins first and only house...he was not too excited about the strangers!

 But happy back at the house!

 Sweet, busy Bee!!

 Austin wasnt a fan of trick-or-treating, but he sure love the candy!!!

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