Saturday, November 17, 2012

November has started!

Just some random pics from this month!

 Austin and Daddy in their new recliners!

 Dan, me and Brandi and Nicks wedding(actually last month)

 Daddy teaching Austin all about cookies and milk dunking!

 Lexi and Gavin being cute!

 Think we are raising a cowboy out here in the country?

Got to get dressed up once in a while too!

 Laying around with the pups!

Dan, MamaShell and Brandi did another mudrun this last month and I got babysitting duty! Everyone had fun!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

That is a huge blog catch up! Love the pic of Dan and Austin in the recliners!

Grandpa + GramariO said...

Adore Austin in GGPa newsboy caps!

Nonnie Sigona said...

Great pictures, but I especially love Austin as a cowboy. He fits the roll in his hat. Too cute! Did you get another dog????