Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Its been a crazy Fall!!

It has been so busy these last months!! We finally moved into our own house, 8 acres, a pool, a barn and multiple sheds!! Its been a little overwhelming!! Especially with me being in my first trimester!! Thank goodness we have such a wonderful family that has helped us move in, get unpacked, and start the renovation process! It also took a while for us to get internet hooked up so obviously I am a bit behind!!

We had two weddings to go to this year and they both happened to be on the same weekend!! Luckily my nephew Nick's wedding was on Friday and my childhood friends wedding was on Saturday!! Unfortunately, Nicks wedding was in Napa and Kellys was a flight away in Thousand Oaks! We made it work and I am so glad I was able to make it to both! Amazing wedding weekend!!

 Kelly and Greg first dance!

 What a cake!

 Don and Kelly

 So many Stealth girls still hanging out!!

 Amazing food!!

 With Coach Don!

 My girls!!

 Brandi and I with Nickers at his wedding! Handsome man!!

Gavin putting on a show singing and dancing to his favorite song!!

Our New HOUSE!!!

 TV room

 Living Room

 Kitchen with new floor!

Kitchen after hanging cabinets down!!

Pics hanging out at the new house!!
 Lexi Chillin!

 Austin loves the table GmaShell got him!!

 Playing with Daddy on his new toy!

12 Weeks Pregnant!!

Girl or boy????


Trinette and Mike said...

Ahhhhh love everything! I can not wait to see the house! Is that pool table yours??? I think she will be a girl :) hehe

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

LOL Trinette! I had to go back over the pics to see what the "pool table" was! Look again! that is a strangely low kitchen bar! LOL

Jamie and Scott said...

Brands I think she means in the video of Gavin dancing. sure looks like a pool table to me.

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Oh, lol! That is actually at my aunts house, but she is giving it to Ryan and Adrienne!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


zerry ht said...

Must have been a lot of fun attending two weddings in one week. Seems like both events were very enjoyable and the pictures also came out great. I myself had a wonderful time attending my cousin’s wedding last week at the amazing event space Atlanta. My husband couldn’t make it though so he really missed out on an awesome wedding.