Thursday, September 1, 2011

2 months!!!

 I cant believe that Austin is 2 months old already!! He is starting to babble to us a lot, smile and giggle! He rolled over for the first time at 7 weeks back to belly, and since then twice belly to back! But I still have yet to get it on video! He is also reaching out and grabbing toys! He had his first couple shots at his appointment this week and didn't like those at all, but he did charm the nurse and doctor with his dancing and grinning!  He weighed exactly 11 pounds and was 22.5 inches long which are both 30 percentile!! I cant wait to see what this little munchkin has in store for us over the next month!!

 2 months!!

Some pics of Daddy torturing the puppies too!!

Hanging with my Daddy!

Trying on Daddys hat

Lemme have that!

1st video is Austins morning diaper change, he is always so happy and talkative that I had to get it on video!
2nd is of Austin during his photo shoot, so happy!
3rd is of Austin and Daddy talking on the couch!
4th is of Austin trying to grab the bill of Daddys hat!!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Ok he is definitely the cutest boy ever!! ...oh wait, i can't say that! LOL love all the animal pics, but the videos are the best!

Mama Michelle said...

Mee Tooo! Love the animal pics - my fave though is the pic of Daddy and Austin smiling at each other -PRECIOUS!
Love all of the videos! He wanted that hat soo bad! Just not quite coordinated yet to get a good hold!
Can't wait to see you all next week!

Grandpa + GramariO said...

Lace - you were a happy baby in the AM, but ... I can't make Austin look like you. I keep trying.

Trinette and Mike said...

He is so stinking cute!!! I love all his smiles - they melt me! Kendall is the same way in the morning on her changing table :) Glad you are actually good and got a video of it! Give him a big kiss and hug from me!

Jamie and Scott said...

One happy boy! those videos are good...i just love the one of dan and austin. you can tell dan loves that boy so much in his laugh! have fun in oregon!

Cindy said...

He is definitely cute! I love his morning "happy"! He's just so sweet. You guys make cute babies!