Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Austin's First Giants Game

We had a blast, even though the Giants didn't win!

 Kinyons and Jones' at the game

 Jammie and Gavin

 Daddy and Austin cheering...Go Giants Go!

 Gavin had a lot of fun!

 Grandma and Grandaddy with Austin

 Family shot!

Uncle Troy was still in town so he stopped by before the game so Brandi and the kids finally got to see him!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

So much fun! The kids did so great!

Jamie and Scott said...

looks like a lot of fun...wish we could go to a game...stupid distance

Daisy & JJ's Mom said...

Maybe next time, we'll go to a winning game!

Trinette and Mike said...

So glad you guys had fun! Austin is looking so adorable as usual :) He's changed so much already in a few weeks!!