Thursday, August 25, 2011

Camping with Austin at 7 weeks old!!!

August 18-22:
Last weekend we went camping up in Hope Valley. Gavin caught his first fish! I finally got to ride my dirtbike and cant wait to go again! And it was Austins first camping trip at 7weeks old! I think he had a blast, but i will let the pics tell the story...

All snuggled up and ready for bed!

Cant get cold wrapped up like this!

Pop with the Sigona kids

Nana and her fav great grandson!

Lexi passed out after a long dirty day!

Pop and his #1 great grandson!

Twins and their baby packs!( yes Austin is there under the hat!)

Pops first ride on a dirtbike!

Dans first catch of the day, he caught about 14 this trip

Pop helping Gavin cast

The Puppies had a blast in the water and dirt!

And so did Gavin!!

Tia's Daycare!! Thanks for watching all the kiddos Jammie!!

Brands setting up her bed.

Thats my little camping man!!

Pretty, happy girl!


Tia and the kids again!

Thats one tired puppy!

Hanging with Daddy

Happy and clean after a postcamping bath!!
Check out his baby mohawk!!

The videos are of:
Austin playing at the camp site,
Gavin casting,
Pop riding a dirtbike,
The next two are Dan playing with Austin the day we got home,
And the last one is Austin 'walking' around the camp table!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Dirty babies!!! Love the clean baby mohawk!

Mama Michelle said...

love all the pics and the movies!! Sooo jealous! Such a beautiful place! I want to go next time! Besides - you obviously needed more Grandparents there -Pop and Nana were waayy overworked -as was Tia Jammie... ;)

Grandpa + GramariO said...

Walking already...going to be running long before you are ready! Looked like fun ... and that fresh fish had to taste great on top of everything else!

Jamie and Scott said...

Camping looks like fun....can't wait for all of us to do it. the babysitting crew looked great..thats the only way we camp now! well we are going by ourselves this weekend, hopefully it goes well.