Thursday, September 29, 2011

Three Months Old Already!!??

Austin is already 3 months old and we just cant believe how much he is growing and changing so quickly!! He is now really grabbing and taking hold of his toes, his toys and Daddys beard!  He is also sitting up unassisted for a few seconds, even longer than the video here shows! He is still quick to smile and laugh with us, but is also able to entertain himself for longer stretches! He is rolling back to front and front to back without trouble, and I am now finding him on his tummy in his crib in the morning. He is occasionally sleeping through the night, but at times still wants his quiet mommy time at 3am or so, which is fine with me! Now that Ive gone back to work its nice to have our special time together! I cant wait to see what our little one is going to teach us this month!

Grabbing toes!!
Happy naked baby!

How cute am I?


Am I Growing???....
 1 Month...

2 Months...

3 Months!!

Austin, no standing on the couch!!

Working on sitting up with the boppy

Tummy time!

3 Weeks....
3 Months!!


A few videos of austin playing on his tummy time mat, one of him trying to sit on his own, and a couple of him talking and laughing with me after his breakfast! Enjoy!

Please excuse my singing voice, I just loved his laugh in this one!


Trinette and Mike said...

Oh my goodness he is sooooo adorable! His little smile kills me! They are growing up so fast!

Mama Michelle said...

Such cute pictures! Love the little videos -makes me feel like I'm not quite so far away!
love the little laugh too!