Thursday, September 15, 2011

10 weeks and the start of football!

First game of the season for the 49ers and the kids really got into it! Or maybe just the parents! GramaShell was up to watch the game and play at the park afterwards!

 Austin and Daddy hanging out!

 And after the game at the park...

 So happy!

 Go 49ers!!

 Such a cutie!!!

 Starting him young!

 Austin says, Look what I found!!

I wonder where Lexi got that look from!

GramaShell and Gavin swinging!

Watching football with Daddy! First he is watching the game, but then he sees the camera and cant take his eyes off of it!

Austin watching his bear from Gramsy, he loves this thing!

I finally caught Austin rolling over on tape! He does it all the time now!


Trinette and Mike said...

What a big boy rolling over!! And by big I really mean tiny because that football makes him look like the tiniest little peanut ever! Too cute!

Jamie and Scott said...

cute pictures of the kids in their outfits. austin is such a cute kid..loved hanging out with you guys, thanks for having me.

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

HAHA! I love the fist pump when he's watching football! LOL

Unknown said...

My niece and nephews are the cutest!

Mama Michelle said...

Love the way he's already dancing to the music w his little bear!

Grandpa + GramariO said...

What - no Bears shirt/colors G-Shell?
Loved the videos.