Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tim and Jammie's Wedding, Uncle Ry and Auntie Adg visit, and Austin turns 2 weeks!!

Well Austin managed to be born and get out of the hospital with just enough time to spare so that we could make it to the event of the year: Tim and Jammie's wedding!!! We had a blast and everyone was able to meet Austin!
Uncle Ry and Auntie Adg were up for the wedding and stayed a couple days to spend some time with us and their newest nephew! We had fun hanging out and Ryan and Brandi spent some time trying to learn how to ride my dirt bike(which I still haven't gotten to try out!)
Austin is 2 weeks old today and his doctor is very pleased with how he has done since his release from the NICU. He was weighed today at 7lbs 2oz which is the 12th percentile, and is 20inches long, which is the 24th percentile. And we are loving our little munchkin!!

The whole family

Grandaddy and Grandma Carol showing Austin some lovin'

My Wonderful Family

Cute little boy

Grandma Carol couldn't get enough of our little man!

Uncle Ry and Auntie Adg

Uncle Ryan

Auntie Adrienne


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Love it! You have some great pics of the wedding already!
I would have liked to see a video of my popping a wheelie on the dirt bike! LOL

Mama Michelle said...

so annoyed i did not get to ride the bike!@*&%$!!
Love the pics of the wedding! Everyone looked gorgeous!

Trinette and Mike said...

you guys all looked so great at the wedding!! The yellow is so happy and cheery :) So glad that Austin is doing so well! He's the same size Kendall was when she was born now!

Unknown said...

you look amazing!

Jamie and Scott said...

love the dress, the yellow looks great! looks like great visits all around!