Thursday, July 21, 2011

3 weeks old!!

Austin is now over 3 weeks old!! He has gained over a pound since his last appointment and weighs 8 pounds and 3 ounces today!! I cant believe how time flies! He is doing great and last night he spent the whole night in his crib! I think that Dan and I both slept better without his little noises waking us up constantly! He is now sleeping in about 3 hour periods at night, which is nice to get a little more sleep.

He is starting to be awake more during the day and really enjoying his tummy time mat, especially with his black and white book to stare at! He moves around a lot on his tummy, and it seems that it wont be long before he is able to roll over. Crazy!! He also looks like he is starting to smile at us! We are trying to catch it on video and there is a short clip where he seems to smirk a bit, but wait til you see his adorable open mouth smile!!

A little update about Austin's Coombs positive issues. We were very excited last week when the bilirubin level was finally on its way down and we no longer had to do daily lab draws!! But now his issue is a drop in blood count as the hemolysis of his blood cells continues as a result of the Coombs positive. So we are having to draw his blood count every two weeks until he is 3 months old. His first draw was this week and was a little low. We are hoping for the count to stay up and for Austin to keep eating well!! Fingers crossed!! Hopefully soon his little heels can start healing!!

Weve had quite a few visitors lately and I need to get better about posting more frequently so that I dont have quite so long of a post! But I have photos of Austin with his Great-GG on her 93rd birthday!! Happy birthday GG!!! And there are pics from this week when GGma and GGpa came out from Utah to visit and meet Austin! Also GramaShell, Ric and Great-Aunt Janell came up to visit and help celebrate GGpa's 75th birthday!! Happy birthday GGpa!!

Grandpa Ric and Austin

Guncle Dan and Lexi

How sweet and classic Austin is this pose!

I had to post the one pic I was in!

Great-Aunt Janell!

GGma and GGpa

Sweet girl! 7 months old!

GGpa loves this little guy!


Happy birthday GGpa!!

Dan enjoying some guy time!

Austin loves his Daddy!!

Austin's first time in his bumbo
Looking around

Lexi getting to know her cousin!

Gavin loves his little cousin!

Emma and Austin sharing some tummy time!

Austin enjoying some Nana-time!

5 generations!

Great-great grandma GG! Happy birthday GG!!


Jamie and Scott said...

wow look at all those granparents, crazy! he is a cutie little guy. love the pictures in the bumbo!

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

That's one LOVED little man!! Such a cutie! The pictures in the bumbo are sooo cute!

Trinette and Mike said...

Yay for a new post! I know just what you mean though ;) I love seeing all the pictures! They change so much so quickly I think I'd go even more crazy without the blogs! Love that little man! Miss you guys

Nonnie Sigona said...
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Nonnie Sigona said...

He's such a handsone little man. Sorry we couldn't stop by last week. The next time I'm in town, I'd love to see all of you.

Grandpa + GramariO said...

The bumbo pic turned out great! Just the right moment! Will all of us grandparents spoil him? If we get the chance, YES. Austin changed so much while we were there...wonderful visit. Love you.

Cindy said...

such great pics!! Those pics in the bumbo are hilarious- you can really see how small he is. I love that little guy!!!