Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My Birth Story

So my little boy is one week old today and I decided I should probably sit down and let you all know my birth story.(Great idea Cindy and Trinette!) Around 10pm on June 26th my water broke. Although I tried to convince myself otherwise, it was pretty obvious that night that I was going to have this baby soon! Unfortunately, I had not started having any contractions despite walking the block and bouncing on the birthing ball. So with the doctors urging I headed to the hospital. We got there at 10am on June 27th and I was 0cm and 0% effaced. I wanted to try and get some contractions going naturally and the doctor agreed this was okay to try. So we walked and walked and bounced and bounced, but to no avail.
At 8pm after only mild cramping I agreed to start Pitocin to encourage contractions and labor to progress. At about 1130 that evening I started having regular contractions about 4 minutes apart. This was hard, intense work! I was glad to have such a wonderful birthing team to help me through this whole process! I don't know what I would have done without my wonderful, patient, and loving husband! Also my moms, sisters, and grandparents who stayed with me despite the long hours, pitiful looks, and short temper! I definitely know how lucky I am and how lucky my son is to be born into two wonderful families full of loving support for one another!!
6 hours into labor my contractions started getting really close together and I was vomiting so the nurse finally decided to check me again and I was only 1cm!! I almost lost it! How could I be progressing so slowly!! I had a mini breakdown but was able to work my way back with the help of my family! It took another 5 hours or so to get to 2cm and then 2.5 hours to get to 3cm. But after that things really started happening! I went from 3cm to 8cm in 2hours and from 8cm to pushing in 30min!! I was able to push him out in 3 contractions and couldn't believe that I was finally a mom to a beautiful baby boy!!!

Jammie and Dan helping me be strong!

How lucky am I to be so supported! Love you all!

Austin Keith Jones born 6/28/2011 at 1:05pm, 6lbs11oz, 19inches

My wonderful family!!

My little boy!

PS: the rest of our hospital story coming soon.


Jamie and Scott said...

Congrats you guys! He is a cutie!

Trinette and Mike said...

so proud of you Lace! I dont think i could have been that strong even with that amazing support team!! He is amazing and i cant wait to meet him!