Thursday, July 28, 2011

One Month!!

I can't believe that our little munchkin is one month old today!! My how time flies!! These are the many faces of Austin as I pose him and make silly faces to try and make him smile!!

Yay! Im one month old!

Big smile for Mommy!

This is all so exciting!!

Ya, thats a smile!!


Oh my goodness, Mommy is so silly!


Me and my Daddy's gorilla!

Whats with all this picture taking?

Just me and my bear

Chillin with my turtle

Just hanging out in my first real bath!

Last night Austin decided he wanted to stay up until 3am! Lucky for Mommy, Daddy decided he would stay up with him...the first video is from the wee hours of the morning!
The second video is Austins first bath where he is actually sitting in water, he didn't mind it very much at all!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Love all the smiling pics! And I think I will watch the dancing video at least 10 times today! LOL Love that little monkey!

Anonymous said...

We love all the pictures his is so cute! The video of Dan having him dace is awsome! Like Brandi we watched it over and over! we lve Austin cant wait to see you again love tia and uncle tim

Jamie and Scott said...

those pictures are really great! the dancing video is great and the bath one. wow one month! crazy how time flies...cant wait to see you tomorrow!

Mama Michelle said...

yah gotta dance Austin!! Shake dah boootey!
He will love this when he's like 13, lol!

Cindy said...

HILARIOUS!!! I laughed out loud for the late night video. He's sooo adorable and looking so old already! I can't wait to see him!

Grandpa + GramariO said...

He really was loving the dance! And he looks totally OK with the bath. One month. Going full steam!

Trinette and Mike said...

OMG I LOVE the dance party!! Kendall and I have those all the time :) He's changed so much already and I love all his smiles!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, he's too darn cute!