Saturday, May 2, 2015

Saturday Easter 2015

This year was the first time I attempted dyeing eggs with the kids! Using a whisk to hold the eggs worked great! Very little finger dyeing and only one egg was cracked! The kids had a blast too!
On the Saturday before Easter we went to the Fair Oaks Easter fair again and then to GramaShells for an Easter egg hunt and fun!

 Finished project!

 Easter Saturday! I never dress the boys alike, and thought it might be fun!

 At the Easter Fair with the Sigonas!

Getting ready for the Easter Egg hunt!

Train ride!
Sleeping baby!

Giant slide!

Waiting for the second Easter Egg hunt of the day!
And checking out their loot!

 Hanging with GGpa!

 Getting love from Mommy!

 Fun Bunny mask craft!

 EmJ had a nap during craft time!

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