Friday, May 8, 2015

Late april 2015

The boys xmas present from GramaShell and Grandpa Terry getting some use!

Busted lip! Not the last with this crazy kid!

Wyatts favorite way to sit on the couch! Such a funny kid!

First water day of the season at the Sigonas!
Lainey cant wait to be able to play too!

Loving my babies!

EmJ with her favorite lovey made by Auntie Nette!

Bubbles! Its Summer Time!!

Buster found a cool place to nap!

At Gavins Baseball game! 
Austin was so excited to cheer for Gavin and cant wait until he can play too!

Nonnie with the baby!

I could just melt!

Auntie tickling Lainey!

Lainey trying so hard to roll over! She gets it every once in a while!

I love playing with this kid!

EmJ is really starting to love playing with toys!

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