Wednesday, May 13, 2015

EmJs 5.5 month update! Rolling over, sitting up and starting solids!!

So much has happened in the last few weeks that I needed to post an EmJ update! She is now rolling all over the place with ease! She loves chasing her toys all over the floor, but her favorite is to have all of her toys on her high chair! She is also sitting up unassisted, she definitely still needs a pillow to protect her from her falls, but she does pretty well! We also started feeding her a few foods. Her first few tastes were rice krispies and bananas.  She wasnt too happy about it at first but now she is starting to grab for a few things. Now she has had red bell pepper, sweet potatoes, peaches, salmon, and cherries! She is also sleeping in her crib and has had a few 9 hour sleeping nights! Yay for Mommy!!

 First bite of cereal... not too impressed

 Still smiley though!

 First time sitting up!!

Few days later!

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