Saturday, October 11, 2014

September 2014

In September Austin had his first day of Preschool! And of course we had to get his haircut to impress all his new friends! He was so excited to start school like a big boy!

New haircut!

Wyatt wanted to get in a picture but he didnt really understand what we were doing!

First Day!!

Now that we have a new baby on her way, the boys get to share a room! Austin got a big boy bed and we moved Wyatt into his toddler bed converted back to a crib! They are doing great together and even bedtime has become easier since theyve been in the same room! I love how they just seem to becoming closer friends everyday!!

Austin was so excited about his new bed and sheets! These sheets actually ended up being the wrong size(oops Mommy!), but he loves his John Deere ones just as much!!

And here is some videos of my boys just playing around!!
I know it looks rough sometimes, but its tackle with his brother is Wyatts favorite game!

1 comment:

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

I can't believe I never get to see the boys playing rough like that since gavin is always the ringleader when we see you!