Friday, October 10, 2014

July 2014

July updates! Wyatt is now walking like a champ! He had his tubes placed at the beginning of the month and by the end of the month was saying 3 words! Ball, more and look!!! I think look was probably the first one! We are also starting to try and sign with him as much as possible!

4th of July at GramaKristys!

But first we stopped off at a park to see Kelly, Greg and little Kolton!

 Time for fireworks!!

 First time Austin didnt want to sit with us for the fireworks!

 Wyatt attacking Joey!

We went down south to visit Gramsy! The kids thought the hotel room was pretty great too!
 Riding on the luggage roller!

 Food time!

 Watching a movie in bed!

 The hotel had a pretty small indoor pool, but the kids loved it!

 I didnt get wet, but I got snuggles!
 Brave kids!


 Austin has just recently started falling asleep on us again! He hasnt done that since he was like 6months!

Brandi I went down south again for a wedding without Dan and the kids and Austin took a tumble on his face and ended up with his first fat lip!
 Dodger game with Ryan and Dad!

 Brothers are the best!!

And so are cousins!!

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