Saturday, October 11, 2014

Hope Valley Camping 2014

Our annual Hope Valley Camping trip was great as usual! Unfortunately we had a much smaller crowd this year, hopefully everyone can join us again next year!!

 Everett and Wyatt learning camping at a young age!

 Naked craft time! Thanks Aunt B!!

 The blue tarp was Jammies idea to try and keep as many sticks and rocks out of Everett's mouth as possible. Of course the big kids found it irresistible as well!! This is tackle Tia time!!

Playing with Everett!

 He actually fell asleep up there!!

 GramaShells hammock was a place of endless entertainment!!

 A ride for the little kids!

 And a ride for the big kids!

 Picnic time!

 Classic camping face!

 Austin and Lexi made a bouquet!

We took the trucks up to a lake to spend the day fishing and splashing in the water!



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