Monday, November 3, 2014

October Fun!

October has been so much fun! We got to go out on Grandaddys boat, the Giants won the World Series, we had an early Thanksgiving, and Halloween festivities!!

This was Wyatts first time on a boat, he was definitely unsure at first, but he really liked it once he figured it out! He loved sitting by himself on a seat!

 Babies on a boat!

 This picture looks so much like me as a baby!

 Austin was so brave! He went tubing with Auntie Wendy for the first time!!

 Wyatt loving the boat!

This is when Wyatt was still getting used to the boat...a little unsure!

Trying to get Wyatt to say Dada! Says Papa pretty well! But his faces are the cutest!!

This bin has been a focus of play the last few days!! Its amazing what these kids think of! They crack me up!

If you cant tell, these kids crack me up!!

Austin wanted to get a mohawk for preschool, so of course Wyatt needed his hair done too!

 Wyatt got his second hair cut! He is such an easygoing kid, just sat the whole time!!

 These kids love eachother!

 Go Giants! World Series Champs!! The kids all enjoyed watching some of the series, but Wyatt had the best attention span and spent a lot of the games yelling at the tv along with us!! Kid cracks me up!

 The kids have started picking up the guitar and asking daddy to play...Daddy wonders when they will realize he doesnt know how! I love how intensely they are listening!

 Weekends with Daddy mean licking brownie batter!!

 Brotherly love!!

Austin reading a book to Wyatt!

Crazy Daddy!

First football lesson!

 35 weeks pregnant!!

 Austin and Wyatt have started using dress up clothes recently!! So cute!

 Baby Everett Cope, born 10/9/14! Cant wait to meet this lil guy!

 Cope family

Baby smiles!

 Back to Grandaddy and Grandma Carols for an early Thanksgiving! We even took the kids to a Pumpkin patch with a bunch of blow up slides and jumpy houses! They had a blast and Wyatt did his best job keeping up! That kid has no fear!

 Hi Wyatt! First slide!

 This was a huge slide with Lightning McQueen on it! Austin went crazy for it, and could have gone over and over! I love Wyatts face in this pic!

Wyatts first time down the big slide! Looks like a rag doll and he LOVED it!!!

Grandma Kristy and her Grandsons!

Uncle Tim swinging with the boys!

All tuckered out!

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