Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wyatt is 3 months old!

Time sure does fly! Our littlest guy is getting so big! He is now a really smiley boy! He is laughing and is really ticklish! He is starting to work on sitting up already! I am wondering if he is going to be an early mover, trying to chase his brother? He is still a great sleeper and has slept 12 hours overnight numerous times! Love this kid!

 Are we really doing this again?

 Okay I will smile if you keep making that silly face

 Tongue out!

3 months!

 Second photo op!

 My fingers are yummy!


 Okay, Im really done with this!

One last smile!

Wyatt at 3 months

Austin at 3 months

Laughing baby!!

Playing with toys!

I love this laugh and smile!

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