Wednesday, August 14, 2013

End of July and Beginning of August Fun!!

 I just loved this position I caught Wyatt sleeping in!

 Does this pic remind anyone else of something....
There it is, Austin and Daddy at almost the same age!!

 Just hanging out on the couch with Daddy!

 Wyatt is starting to play with toys! And by play I mean he tries to get everything into his mouth!

 Worn out after all the hard playtime!

 Austin has been going to gymnastics in Folsom so he could be in the same class as Lexi for the summer, but now I have moved him to a Cameron park class. His last class in Folsom was also a celebration day where all the kids received ribbons! So much fun!
 Austins teacher helping him put in money into the donation jar!

 Lexi and Gavins turn!
 Such a big boy!

 These two have way too much fun together!

 Proud Lexi with her ribbon!

 Daddy teaching Austin a football stance!
 Im finally starting to run..The boys are so excited!

 Wyatt enjoys a good movie once in a he is watching Finding Nemo!

 But playing with his brother is even more fun!

 Smiley boy!

 I love these early morning snuggles with my boys!

 I wish I had a video of this, but Austin was singing and dancing for us!!!

 Just having fun taking pictures!

 Austin wanted his picture taken too!


 Daddy had been out of town for work again and Austin wanted to send him a picture of his Choo-choo trains. So he lined them all up and then even smiled for the picture!

 Sleepy boy!

 And hes out!

Gavin walking up the hill after going down the new slip and slide!

 Guess who has another thumb sucker!
 Just like his big bro!

Our first pick harvest of the year!

Our first dozen eggs!!

Doesnt everyone play catch on their kitchen floor??

Austin playing

Laughing Wyatt!

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