Tuesday, August 13, 2013

2 year old Austin!

I thought I had posted this last month, but our monkey is now 2!!! So many changes for him this year! New house, lots of new pets, and a new baby brother! I am so proud of how well he is taking to the role of big brother! He loves to hold and talk to Wyatt all the time! I cant wait to see how their relationship grows! Austins still loves his dirt bikes and trains, but he is really into fishys right now! He loves for daddy to take him for a ride on anything: dirt bikes, lawn mower, ATV, or tractor! He also loves to help daddy work and now has his own set of tools and gardening equipment! He is a goofball and loves to make us laugh. He is learning his colors and I think red is his favorite! He is learning his numbers but so far weve only gotten 1,2,3...GO!! Even when I try to say 4 he says, no mommy, GO! We are also working on his alphabet, but thats in the early stages. He is a sweet little charmer and has recently started to introduce himself by name. He went up to a lady in target and said, "Im Austin", I was amazed! Austin is still on his same growth curve weighing 23lbs(3%) and 32 1/4 inches(5%). He is a happy, healthy, wonderfully silly little boy!

 1 month

 10 months

2 years

Austins birthday!
On Austins actual birthday we had a little party with the Sigonas, GramaShell, Grandma Kristy, and Auntie Julie and opened a few presents!
 Present from the Collados!

 Present from the Copes!

 Im ready to go painting Mom!

 Yay! Ice Cream Cake!

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