Tuesday, August 27, 2013

August pics and videos

 Opening a present from Grandpa Cope

 He loved the card that turned into a car!

 This is what happens when you give your 2 year old a bag of bbq chips in the car!

 This kid is always happy!

Last weekend we went camping for a day with some of Dans coworkers. Really fun group!
 Wyatts sleeping arrangments!

 Wyatts first swing at the campgrounds!!

 Austin wanted his pic too!!

 We were playing at the campground beach when we noticed Wyatt had been quiet a while...he had passed out face first in his bumbo! Poor tuckered out lil guy!

 Building sand castles

I finally had to go back to work last monday, I took some pics of the kids on my last day of maternity leave!

 I love the way Wyatt looks at Austin!

 Emma gives Austin kisses!

 This morning the boys were so cute snuggling!

 And watching cartoons together!!

Earlier this month an old high school friend of me, my brother, and Brandi came with her two kids to visit!! We hadnt seen eachother in almost 5 years!! My brother and fam were able to come up too!
Lexi, Weston, Austin, Wyatt, Gavin, Spencer, and Ryder!
 Going for a ride!

 Everyone hold on tight!

 Pool time!

 Kimmie and Pheonix came to play too!

 Big boys!

I love Weston sneaking around the corner in this one!

Playing baseball with Daddy!!

Giggly boy!

I think this might be my favorite video of Austin this year!!

Wyatt is really starting to grab at things! He even rolled over from back to front one time, but I didnt catch it on video yet. He is becoming a super giggly boy too!!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Wow, those are some pretty adorable little boys!!

Nonnie Sigona said...

Where did the two brown haired boys come in with all the blonds? So cute! I loved Austin's dancing video. It made me laugh and laugh. Thank you.