Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Five months!!

Our little man is 5 months old!! Can you believe it??  He is now a pro at sitting up and is really starting to play with toys! He loves just sitting on the floor surrounded by new toys! The only problem is when he accidentally pushes, rolls, and throws the toys away from him!! Then he really gets upset that he cant go after, I think he might be trying to crawl after them soon!! He is really starting to know what he wants and gets upset if we cant figure it out fast enough!!  But he is still our smiling, laughing, loving boy!! He is usually a great sleeper, about 11pm to 7am in his crib, but occasionally decides he wants to sleep with mommy and daddy and we haven't had the heart, or energy, to tell him no yet!!  How could you with this adorable face!!

 5 months!!

Time Progression....
 1 month

 2 months

 3 months

 4 months

5 months!!!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

HEHE! He is sooo cute!! I can't believe he is getting ready to start crawling!

Trinette and Mike said...

Advanced just like his cousin :) Gosh I love that smile!!!