Friday, November 4, 2011

4 months!!

Austin is 4 months old and I cant believe how different every day is with him! He is exploring everything he can get his hands on! Especially his thumb which is always in his mouth to slobber and chew on...not too much of a thumb sucker, just a thumb chewer! He is pretty much always in a good mood, quick to smile and easy to laugh!! What a joy!! He is starting to be able to entertain himself for longer periods and really starting to move on his tummy mat! Im not sure we have much longer before he will be making us babyproof  the house!!  His doctor said he is looking great! He is 25 inches tall, which is 46 percentile. And 14.4 pounds, which is 34 percentile! I cant believe how big my little muchkin is getting!!

 So exciting to be naked!!
 Theres that thumb!
 You wanna try it Mommy?
 Its yummy!!
 Thumb chewin with my Teddy!
 Oh now I can just chew on my turtle!!

 Are there any pics without his hand in his mouth?? LOL!

 Hanging out after a bath in my Tiger robe!


Austin has lots of hand-me-down clothes, but these are special, they are Uncle Ryans Elmo Pjs from when he was a baby!!

And had to post a pic of Gavin in these same Pjs...he was a little older though. And against popular belief I dont really think they look alike!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Even though Gavin and Austin are both cuties, I dont think they look alike either!

Trinette and Mike said...

Make that three of us! LOVE these pictures and that little adorable munchkin. You're a lucky Momma for sure!

Jamie and Scott said...

They look nothing alike. Both are cute in the elmo outfit. He is really happy baby, thats great for you guys!