Thursday, November 10, 2011

The big 3-0!

So November 9th came and went and I'm not sure I feel any different! Maybe it will hit me the first time someone asks me how old I am and I have to say, "30!"  The day was nice and relaxing with Dan making a wonderful dinner and Austin was in a great mood when he woke up from his longest nap ever of 3 hours! He even sat at the dinnertable with us in his highchair for the first time and tried some cereal! He wasn't too sure at first but I think he liked it by the end!

My little munchkin is growing up so fast!

Austins bday card to Mommy!

Smiley Happy Boy!
Playing cards with Daddy!

Happy 30th Mommy!!

Trying cheerios for the first time!

Trying Rice cereal for the first time!!

Maybe this isnt so bad!

Look at me, sitting up so good!!


Elisa and Brian said...

Happy Birthday!! Austin is so cute! I cannot believe how much he has grown. That video of him eating a cheerio made me laugh out loud! Priceless!

Daisy & JJ's Mom said...

You guys need to submit the cherrio video to American Funniest Vidoes, Hew'll totally get on tv for that!!! Cant wait to see you guys soon- whens the next 49er away game?!?!

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Okay, it's your bday but all we see are pics and videos of the baby? hehe welcome to motherhood! LOL He's adorable as usual! Love ya!

Mama Michelle said...

Just finished watchingthe chereo video for the 3rd time - still can't stop laughing every time!! That face!!

Mama Michelle said...

glad I'm not the only one who has forgotten how to spell Cheerios!

Trinette and Mike said...

Those video's are so awesome! Super Austin!!! Glad you had a good birthday :)

Grandpa + GramariO said...

No peas? That was one of your favs. Both the cereal videos are precious! What a gamer!