Thursday, December 8, 2011

Gavin and Lexi's bday party weekend

Im sure there will be many more posts and many more pics of this last weekend, but Im hoping I have some here that nobody else does! We had a blast celebrating Lexi and Gavin, as well as Auntie Nette and Uncle Ryan! Happy Birthday!!! Most of the fam from So Cal made it up: GramaShell and Gumpa Ric, Uncle Ryan and Grandpa Dave..(we missed you auntie adg!) Anthony's family all made it out for the party and Auntie Nette, Uncle Mike and Cousin Kendall stayed a few days.  GGma and GGpa made it out from Utah, and thanks to Cindy, Andy and Sofia for making the trip all the way from Chicago to join in on the fun!

 Austin enjoying some 1 on 1 play time with GGpa

 Theres that smiley Sofia!

 Always happy to wear Daddys hats!

 Best shopping trip ever!!

Grandpa Dave playin with Austin

And Im off...!!!

Naked babies!!

Gavin napping before his party!

Birthday Girl turns 1!!!
 I love Santa!

 And Im a cutie!!

It was a long weekend for everyone!
All the babies in xmas pjs!!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

So cute! I am hoping to have some pics up soon! Thanks everyone for making this party so special!

Jamie and Scott said...

Looks like a great time, sorry we missed it!

Grandpa + GramariO said...

Great pic of babies in Xmas PJs! Was fun/ w/b better w/o the colds, but they will pass. I want to make the boil...