Friday, December 30, 2011

6 months and a very happy half birthday!!

6 months old and such a big boy!! Austin is really starting to have his own personality, ideas and humor! This little kid cracks us up! He is starting to eat in his highchair and so far has tried green beans, peas, and carrots and loved all three! He hasnt started crawling yet, but is slowly starting to push up onto his knees. He is babbling more these days too! We are really trying to start signing to him more so maybe in a few months he will be able to sign back!  He is finally in his crib for bedtime every night, even though he isnt the biggest fan sometimes! We love this little guy and it is so much fun watching him grow and explore!

 Standing by himself...too bad I didnt get my hand out of the way!!
Such a big boy!!

1 comment:

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

He looks like such a big boy in those first 2 pics!! Happy half birthday!