Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Bambino Has Arrived!!

Please welcome Gavin Joseph Sigona born 12/20/2008 at 644pm, wieghing in at 6lbs6oz and 19iches tall!! He is just a little guy but oh so precious! Brandi did wonderfully, she didnt have an easy labor but she stayed very calm and didnt need to take any pain medication!! Mom and baby will probably get to come home tonight from the hospital! More pictures to come...
The Sigona Family!Me and my Sis
Big Yawn!

GramaShell and Gavino

Nonni and Nonno

My Favorite Lil Man

Happy Birthday Gavino!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Visiting the Kinyons!

Last weekend I hitched a ride up to oregon with Jen and Travis to visit the Kinyon family...and maybe also to visit with Danny! I had a blast hanging out with the family, playing with the kids, did a little site seeing, and rode my first motorcycle and only came away with minor bumps and bruises! Thanks Kinyons for being such gracious hosts! Overdressed at a bar in the Boondocks!
Freezing cold...Thanks for the jacket Trav!

Soo Pretty!

Monday, November 17, 2008

New Apartment Video!

I was showing Dakota the blog about Gavin's nursery and she was feeling pretty left out. So here is a video showing our new place! Im not totally moved in but you can get the general idea, I am thinking that we are going to really love it here! Thanks to Jen and Travis for helping to stock my kitchen, and to Jamie and Scott for the bathroom stuff and the coffee table and all the lil gifts, as well as coming down and helping me on the big move in day, and to Danny for coming down from Oregon to help with the move-in as well, and to Mama for helping me drag my furniture around my bedroom until I was satisfied with the setup, and to Brands for the much needed tool box! Love you all!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What a Weekend!

This past weekend was a whirlwind! Friday I went down to Fremont and Travis did a great job getting me drunk even before Jen got home from work...damn my weakness for patron margaritas! Then we all headed over to Trinette and Mike's for a great Halloween party! I cant wait til their next party! Saturday was Brandi's baby shower with all of Anthony's family, and she got so many wonderful gifts that we have already gone back through multiple times! Sunday I was up in Chico for my first 5K and I managed to finish under my 30 minute goal...29.23 to be exact! Whoop whoop! Ha! Sunday evening and monday morning was spent painting Gavin's room at Brandi's house and Monday afternoon I flew home to begin packing up all of my stuff from my moms house to put into my new apartment! Move in day November 8th!

Cowgirl Heather, Princess Leia Lacey, Zorros Daughter Jen
Me and Jamie before the 5K

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Best Week Ever!

Well it certainly has been a week! I finally found out that I got the apartment that I applied for! Its in a great complex called Park Place at Fair Oaks, the apartment has brand new appliances, washer/dryer in unit, fitness center, tennis courts...oh i am so excited! Here is the complex website: My official move in date is november 3rd, but I am going to have to make the trip down south to Uhaul my furniture and stuff up here, so Im hoping to be all set up by my birthday!! 27 and finally living alone...sounds like a reality show for Bravo! Ha! In other big news Ryan and Adrienne are now ENGAGED!! I am so happy for them and cant wait until Adg is an official member of the Family! Love you guys! I have also started training for a 5k run that Jamie and I are doing on November 2nd. The problem is since Ive moved up north I have been a bit of a slug in the workout department! Dakota is feeling it too...we just got back from a run and I took some pics of the dead puppy on the floor, didnt get any of Schar since she was outside gagging! So, ya, we are all getting back into shape together, HAHA! And on the baby front, Brandi's countdown has hit single digit weeks! so exciting! I walk by the box of baby clothes and I want to take them out and starting making outfits, haha! Cant wait til baby gavin is here! GREAT WEEK!!

Pooped out Puppy!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Babygirl Spencer Horn

On our way down south last weekend Brandi and I stopped by to visit Colleen and her 1 month old baby girl Spencer! It was a quick trip but we had to share how adorable she is, look at all that hair! Also a couple pics of her adorable nursery!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Kinyon Wedding and Gavin's Baby Shower

This last weekend Jen and Travis finally tied the knot, Congrats you two! Whoop whoop! After the wedding on Sunday we had the So Cal babyshower for little Gavino! So many cute clothes and great gifts! Brandi posted a couple pictures already but I had to post some myself, as well as this video of michaela's first attempt at crawling! I didnt get the greatest video but hopefully you can get the idea, as she uses her head to crawl towards Ryan!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Weekend!

This Labor Day Weekend was a busy one for me and Brandi. We both worked Saturday, then on sunday we went to Country in the Park concert! What a blast! I am trying to get better with taking pictures, so i got a few but none of any of the people we were with...Oops! After the concert we drove up to Chico to spend some time with the Ellsmores! Isabelle's Godfather, Chris was there and we had a nice relaxing Monday. The boys went hunting/fishing and jamie gave us a tour of chico and paradise. Really neat area they are living in, just wish it was a bit closer! Well, its back to work tommorrow!

State Fair and UCLA reunion!

The California State Fair is back in town and we were able to find time during this busy schedule to drop by! Caroline came up all of the way from Long Beach and Jamie made the trip down from Chico for a little grown up girl time, without her 5 month old twins. It was hot, but we saw some baby animals, ate some fried food, and bet on the horse races! I had a blast! The next day Caroline and I drove down to Modesto to see Holly, the three of us started as new grad nurses together at UCLA, and her little boy Sammy! Really made me ready for my nephew, now named Gavin, to come out and play already!
Jamie, Brands, and Caroline
Classic Fair Food:Giant pickles and Fried Oreos!
Horse Betting Time!
Caroline and Me with my new Horse track hat

Me and Sammy trying to stay cool

Caroline, Holly, Me

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Mulado Wedding!

Well Cindy and Andy are finally hitched! And what a day it was! In such a beautiful location with the perfect weather...we laughed, and cried, and partied all night long! Have I mentioned how much I love these two! I dont have very many pictures, but I am sure there will be more to come! Mr. and Mrs. Collado
The Mama and Her Girls
The Whole Fam
Baby ____ Sigona's Parents

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Quickie about my fav lil girls!

I went up to Chico for what was supposed to be a day trip, but the ellsmore's served me a little too much of that poison, and i ended up spending the night! I had a blast though, doting over the much bigger girls, playing REAL tennis, a bit of wii, seeing some of chico, and drinking some tasty beverages! The twins are growing up so fast i swear you can see it! Plus they interact so much more each time I see them! Loving getting to see them so much during this early period of their lives! Arent they the cutest!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Summer Weekend Fun!

Ryan and Adrienne made it up for a Sacramento visit and we had a blast! Spent some time floating down the river, playing games and just relaxing. Jen, Travis and Samson came over on Sunday and we let the dogs play while we soaked up the sun on the river in true SacTown style! So good to see you all!!
This is true Cousin-Lovin!

Vacationing Ry and Adg

They are just playing, i promise!

Ready for some river fun!

Dakota, Schar and Samson :They will put up with anything for a chance to play at the river!


Jen, Adg, and Beezers

Ry, Lace, and Trav

Doter, Schar, and Sam

Friday, June 13, 2008

A Friday with the Ellsmores!

The Ellsmores are moving to Chico! And they were in town bringing a load down from Humboldt so Brands and I went over to see the family! Such a cute house they are moving into and we couldnt believe how different and grown up the girls are now! They are interacting so much more than before and gave us all plenty of smiles. Its hard to capture how adorable they are but I sure gave it my best shot!