Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Weekend!

This Labor Day Weekend was a busy one for me and Brandi. We both worked Saturday, then on sunday we went to Country in the Park concert! What a blast! I am trying to get better with taking pictures, so i got a few but none of any of the people we were with...Oops! After the concert we drove up to Chico to spend some time with the Ellsmores! Isabelle's Godfather, Chris was there and we had a nice relaxing Monday. The boys went hunting/fishing and jamie gave us a tour of chico and paradise. Really neat area they are living in, just wish it was a bit closer! Well, its back to work tommorrow!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

What a great weekend! Way to finally update the blog!

Jamie and Scott said...

thanks for coming up! wish you could have stayed longer.

Unknown said...

Don't you love free music in the park! I'm going to be so sad when summer is over :0( The free outdoor movies by me already ended (boo!) but still a month more of free music (yay!)

Dave and Joan said...

Please add us now to your list of friends . . . and other family. Great seeing you at Cindy and Andy's wedding. Look forward to the next time. Love from the Murans